Os presentamos al nuevo alcalde Vincent Husky y sus "Promesas de Campaña"

Vincent Husky fue elegido como alcalde de la Aldea Sylvanian y ya se ha puesto manos a la obra.
No obstante, ha recibido tantas peticiones de los habitantes de la Aldea Sylvanian que se ha visto un pelín desbordado.
¿Cómo saldrá del paso? ¡Descúbrelo en este episodio especial!
How the Sylvanian Village Came to Be
¡Aquí está el nuevo alcalde!
Vincent Husky|HuskyFather
Vincent Husky
Soy Vicent, el papá de la Familia Husky. Gracias a vuestros votos fui elegido como alcalde de la Aldea Sylvanian en ausencia del Sr. Patrick Oso Pardo. Soy el diseñador de los coches de la Aldea Sylvanian, pero nuestras calles son irregulares y estrechas. Como yo prometí, haré que las carreteras sean uniformes y cómodas para todos. ¡Estoy deseándo ponerme manos a la obra!
Favourite things : Car
Vincent is a car designer. His car is quite popular among the village since he designs very stylish but useful car as it fits who uses the car. He likes DIY as well, a father of squirrel who is a best inventor is his good companion doing DIY carpentering. Now Vincent is trying to make a bicycle for his family too.

¡Gracias a todos por el apoyo!

¡A pesar de que no pudieron convertirse en el nuevo alcalde,
continuarán tratando de hacer la Aldea Sylvanian un lugar aún mejor!
¡Presentamos los resultados de los otros candidatos!
Click on each poster to see the details!

The message from the Mayor Bear

Patrick Petite Patrick Petite
The Sylvanian Village Mayor
Patrick Petite
Bear father
Hello, everyone. My name is Patrick Petite the Bear father and I'm the mayor of the Sylvanian Village. My grandfather's grandfather declared this the Sylvanian Village after meeting some very special friends. And since then, we have lived here together, taking good care of all the lovely nature we have.
Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to be a good mayor for the village and look after it like my father and my grandfather. My dream of being mayor came true, but I have one more dream: to travel. I found an old book I loved when I was a boy and it reminded me of how I wanted to visit other villages. And since you're all willing to step in as mayor for a little while, I've decided to go on an exciting journey. It's been very interesting to see the ideas all my kind friends in the Sylvanian Village have come up with about what they'll do for everyone and how they'll make the Sylvanian Village better. So without further ado, let the election for mayor of the Sylvanian Village begin!
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How the Sylvanian Village Came to Be

How did the Sylvanian Village come to be? Find out how the families' ancestors met and became good friends, and how the great-great-grandfather of Patrick the Bear father became the first mayor.

How the Sylvanian Village Came to Be

Bon voyage, Mayor Petite!

Patrick Petite the Bear father is the mayor of the Sylvanian Village. Ever since he was a little boy, Mr. Petite had two dreams: to be the mayor and to travel. One of his dreams came true and now he has a chance to make the other come true too! See how his friends helped him.

Bon voyage, Mayor Petite!


Oct. 1 - End-Oct.

Introduce one candidate a day.

Nov. 2 - Nov. 30

Voting Period

The mid-Nov.

The Intermediate Result

Dec. 10

The Final Result

Mar. 20, 2021

The New Mayor has realized the "Campaign Pledge"! Special Feature Released!

Concurso Global de Fotografía del  Concurso Global de Fotografía del  Concurso Global de Fotografía del 35 Aniversario de Sylvanian Families Concurso Global de Fotografía del 35 Aniversario de Sylvanian Families Elecciones Sylvanian Families Elecciones Sylvanian Families
James Midnight

James Midnight

Midnight Cat Father
I'll open an amusement park for grown-ups every night!

Us grown-ups like amusement parks as much as the children do! If I'm mayor, I'll open an amusement park that grown-ups can go to every night. The grown-ups can go up in the air on the Ferris wheel just like the children do, and they'll be just as excited as the children are!
Favourite things : Play Magic
James the Midnight Cat father is a magician who amazes everyone in the village and town with his exciting shows. He plans his tricks carefully and dresses the part in dapper clothes. James is a child at heart—he dances a jig when he's happy and gives a big shout when he's surprised.
Ralph Walnut

Ralph Walnut

Walnut Squirrel Boy
I'll make the whole village smile with amazing new inventions!

My dad is the best inventor ever. So I'll think of lots of inventions to make everyone in the village smile and then build those inventions with my dad. One of my ideas is a smile-o-plane - it'll be such an exciting flying machine that anyone who's feeling sad will feel better in no time at all!
Favourite things : climbing tree
Ralph Walnut is full of energy and loves to climb trees. When his little brother Ambrose's balloon got caught on a tall tree, Ralph climbed up and got it back in the blink of an eye. He says he's climbed every tree in Sylvanian Village, but nobody knows if it's true.
Freya Chocolate

Freya Chocolate

Chocolate Rabbit Girl
Each year on Founding Day, I'll hold a contest where villagers share what they love most about the village.

As you all know, the Sylvanian Village became a village on the 20th of March many years ago, so we call the 20th of March Founding Day. We all have things we love about the village, so every year I'll hold a competition about what we love most. And what do I love most about the village? All of you!
Favourite things : Drawing picture
Freya Chocolate is a cheerful girl who likes having fun with her family and friends. She often invites her friends to parties at her house and gives them delicious treats she's baked with her mother. She's very good at drawing and has won lots of prizes in school competitions.
Skye and Lyra Persian

Skye and Lyra Persian

Persian Cat Girl twins
Twinkling star ☆ discovery

We all love the twinkling stars we can see at night in the Sylvanian Village. But there are some stars that nobody knows. We'll discover one and name it Sylvania so that everyone around the world will know the name of our village.
Favourite things : diary
Skye:Likes the natural sciences, like studying about weather and minerals, and her dream is to be a researcher someday. Each day she makes note of the sky, and checks the weathervane on their house so she can tell the family her weather forecast. The thing she wants the most right now is a lab coat.
Favourite things : metronome
Lyra:Likes tinkering with machines, and is very interested in the piano and other musical instruments that her father dances to. She's currently fascinated by how the elevator in their home works. She's usually quiet, but talks a lot when she's with her twin sister.
Piers Petite

Piers Petite

Bear Boy
I'll make sure no food goes to waste! 🍏

Have you ever brought home more nuts than you can eat or baked too much delicious cake? Leave it to me! There's no limit to my tummy—just give me any food you don't want and I'll gobble it all up! Second helpings are always welcome!
Favourite things : hide and seek
Piers likes to play sports with his friends after school. When he comes home, he loves to eat a lot of food! His mother always make sure to cook plenty of nutritious and delicious meals.
Candice Snuggly

Candice Snuggly

Sloth Mother
Naps every day!

Nothing makes me happier than taking it easy. So if I become mayor, I'll declare that a certain time of the day is nap time and make a big square in the village where everyone can nap together in the warm sun and enjoy the smell of the flowers. You'll have to excuse me...I'm feeling sleepy just thinking about it!
Favourite things : Swimming
Candice the Snuggly Sloth mother has a very big heart. Little things never bother Candice. Even when the twins get into mischief or spill their food, she's still as happy as can be. But when something really matters, she knows how to put her foot down!
Mary, Edward, Elizabeth

Mary, Edward, Elizabeth

Marshmallow Mouse Triplets
We want lots of places for little babies to play!

Mummy takes us out in our pram every day. We love going out, but we want places where we can play with the other little babies. If we were mayors, we'd make sure there's a place for all the babies. Somewhere with lots of toys to play with. Somewhere we can have a nice lie down. Somewhere we'll want to visit every day!
Favourite things : Being tickled
Mary:Girl triplet, Mary is a ball of energy. She's always on the go, and can often be seen laughing with Elizabeth.
Favourite things : Sleeping
Edward:Boy triplet, Edward is a sleepyhead. While Mary and Elizabeth are often heard laughing, Edward just nods off!
Favourite things : Listening to her older sister's lullaby
Elizabeth:Girl triplet, Elizabeth is always in a good mood. Whenever she sees Mary doing something fun, she can't help tag along!
Richie Hopper

Richie Hopper

Kangaroo Father
Kangaroo fitness

If I become mayor I'll introduce a fittness program so you too can achive a stylish and fit body like a kangaroo.
Favourite things : relaxing time with family
Richie is a huge sports fan and works as a sports writer for the Village newspaper. He also enjoys playing golf with his friends and spending time with his family at their Lakeside Lodge.
Rebecca Periwinkle

Rebecca Periwinkle

Milk Rabbit Girl
Plenty of checkups at the doctor—nothing's more important than being healthy!

I'm proud of how happy everyone is in the Sylvanian Village. And the Milk Rabbit family helps to keep everyone happy by looking after your health!
If I'm mayor, I'll help my parents working at the clinic to give everyone checkups!
Favourite things : Pretending to be a princess
Rebecca likes writing fairy tales, especially about princesses. She secretly would like to become a princess herself one day. She also loves to dress up and dance at family parties.
Muddy McBurrows

Muddy McBurrows

Mole Boy
I'll make an underground den at everyone's house

I love to dig!
So if I'm mayor, I'll make an underground den at everyone's house. Underground is a lovely place, cool in summer and warm in winter. And your den will be your own little secret hideaway—isn't that exciting?
Favourite things : Omelettes and raspberries
Muddy the McBurrows Mole boy loves stargazing since he can see well in the darkness. He knows all about the stars, and points out the constellations, groups of stars, to the others. Muddy is a sensitive soul who cries easily, so he often stays by himself in his room under the ground.
Carissa Outback

Carissa Outback

Koala Mother
I'll plant more nice trees!

Don't you feel calm when you're surrounded by trees and enjoying the fresh air? I want to plant more trees in the Sylvanian Village. Some might say there are lots already, but you can never have too many trees! I'll plant some more and make the Sylvanian Village even nicer!
Favourite things : wine jelly
Taking care of babies
Carissa is very good at taking care of babies. She is often relied on by the other mothers in Sylvanian Village. She owns her own eco-friendly shop. She sells everything from organic lotions to tote bags made out of 100% recycled paper! She also enjoys being outdoors, tending to her vegetable garden and spending time with her family.
Glenn Splashy

Glenn Splashy

Otter Father
Lots of fish in the river

I'm sure you all know the Humming River. My family loves that river and walks along it a lot. Let’s all look after that lovely river so that it's always clean and sparkling with lots of fish!
Favourite things : Washing clothes
Father, Glenn loves going out with his family. He also hums with satisfaction when he washes the clothes and they come out sparkling clean. Glenn can get carried away a little bit, and sometimes Amanda, his wife, has to keep him in line.
Shane Sandy

Shane Sandy

Striped Cat Boy
I'll start Explorer Group!

There are probably lots of places in the Sylvanian Village that we haven't discovered yet. If I'm mayor, I'll start Scouts and Brownies groups so that we can explore them together. Just think of what we'll find—hidden treasure, maybe even delicious fruits we've never seen before! Let's all go exploring together!
Favourite things : Exploring
Shane likes learning about new places and trying new things. He can’t wait to travel the world when he gets older!
Theodore Maple

Theodore Maple

Maple Cat Father
A much bigger tram route!

I drive the tram in the Sylvanian Town. If I become mayor, I'll extend the tram route all the way to the Sylvanian Village to make it much easier to get to town. At the moment, a lot of you don't see your family members in town very often. My new tram route will make it much easier!
Favourite things : Guide in the village
Theodore is very good at giving directions. No matter where the villagers want to go, he knows just how to get there. He has a little notebook where he writes about all kinds of things that he sees when he’s out and about.
Lionel Grand

Lionel Grand

Lion Man
I'll hold a concert!

If I become mayor, I'll hold a concert in the Sylvanian Village with all the village children. It will be an open-air concert so that everyone can enjoy the sounds from outdoors—the whistle of the wind, the rustling of the trees, the humming of the river and the chirping of the insects—as they listen to the lovely music from everyone's instruments. What a wonderful day it will be!
Favourite things : playing his piano with others, other instruments
Lionel is a pianist. He plays the piano very beautifully indeed.
He plays the piano in a restaurant every day. He's also good at writing music of his own, and he plays his wonderful music for the customers at the restaurant.
And the piano isn't the only instrument Lionel can play. There are so many instruments in his room, it looks like an orchestra!
Melinda Cakebread

Melinda Cakebread

Toy Poodle Girl
Cakes designed especially for you

My mum is teaching me how to make cakes. It's hard work baking sponge cakes and whipping cream but it's lots of fun. If I'm mayor I'll give each of you a birthday cake like no other in the world, designed especially for you. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Favourite things : bead accessories
Melinda likes learning how to bake and decorate cakes from her mother. She also likes to have fun tea parties at her home and invite all her friends from school.
Rianne Bubblebrook

Rianne Bubblebrook

Elephant Mother
Wet & Wacky Festival
-Elephant style!

I know lots of you like playing in water—have you ever felt a shower of water on your head? It's wonderful. If I'm mayor I'll show you how elephants have fun in the water by holding a water party. The sprays of water make beautiful rainbows—you'll be amazed! And then at the end I'll give everyone snacks I've made.
Favourite things : flower arrangement
Rianne loves to eat, although she always says she's on a diet. She exercises as much as she eats, so she is always hungry. She has a sense of humor and likes to having fun with her family,
Abigail Bramble

Abigail Bramble

Hedgehog Girl
Beautiful hair by a professional!

Everyone needs beautiful hair! Don't you feel so much better when you get your hair looking nice in the morning?
But it can be difficult sometimes, can't it? My hair always looks a fright in the morning. So let's create a wonderful hair salon together!
Favourite things : Playing tag
A tomboyish active girl, she doesn't mind her clothes getting messy as she plays around. When going out for a picnic, while the other girls are making flower crowns, she'd much rather be sliding down the grass slopes with the other boys.
William Cinnamon

William Cinnamon

Cinnamon Rabbit Man
I'll hold an art show!

My name is William and I live in the Sylvanian Town. I love art more than anything else. If I become mayor, I'll put on an art show with pictures and sculptures you've all made. There might be a budding artist among us!
Favourite things : visit museum and gallery
He is Chocolate Rabbit Older Sister's boyfriend. He's a kind-hearted romantic who loves art and music. He loves to make everyone happy, and to wow people with amazing surprises. He's friendly with everyone in town, so he's always greeting people as he walks down the street.
Andre Woolly

Andre Woolly

Alpaca Father
A knitting club: Make warm, cosy things from soft wool!

Knit something nice for someone you love! If I'm mayor, I'll show you how lovely and cosy knitted things are. And somehow they feel extra warm when you've knitted them yourself! I'll teach you a nice, easy way that even the children can learn easily.
Favourite things : Knitting
Andre is a peaceful soul who enjoys laying out in the sun. He's very good at knitting, and each year he makes sure everyone in his family has a new scarf in time for winter. While he likes nothing more than to sit down and relax, Andre also loves music so much that he can't stop himself from dancing whenever he hears a beat!
Lulu Golightly

Lulu Golightly

Silk Cat Older Sister
I'll put on a fashion show!

My name is Lulu and I'm a makeup artist in the Sylvanian Town. If I become mayor, I'll put on a fashion show so you can all see how much fun makeup and pretty clothes are! Vote for a happier and more beautiful Sylvanian Village!
Favourite things : Giving personal colour advice
Lulu is a stylish makeup artist.
She works in the makeup shop at the department store. She thinks, "If I make my customers look nice with my makeup, they'll feel happy and confident."
Her work is like magic - she puts beautiful makeup on each customer in no time. Lulu is Tiffany Silk Cat’s older sister.
Fawna Buckley

Fawna Buckley

Deer Girl
A library with books for everyone

If I'm mayor I'll open a library in the Sylvanian Village. There'll be books for everyone, from lovely picture books for the babies to mysteries that will get the grown-ups excited. No matter what you prefer, there'll be a book you'll love!
Favourite things : Reading
Fawna is a cheerful girl who loves studying and spending time at her school. Her flower shaped hair ornament was a gift from her friends to cheer her up after her precious flower she was looking after had wilted. She reads lots of books and has various knowledge.
Buddy Fenton

Buddy Fenton

Labrador Boy
Fashion Swap Day- one villager's junk is another's treasure ☺

Hi, I'm Buddy! How do you like my pink shirt? It's my favourite thing to wear. If I'm mayor, I'll start a flea market where you can all find wonderful secondhand clothes and all kinds of other things. There's nothing better than finding something amazing secondhand!
Favourite things : Soft toy
Buddy is a little bit spoiled and wants to be with his father all the time. His favourite thing is a stuffed toy his father gave him when he was little. He still sleeps with it at night, but he keeps it secret from his friends because he's a little embarrassed to admit it.
Billy Brightfield

Billy Brightfield

Goat Father
Letters: a gift from the heart

Why not write a letter to your loved ones? It would be a wonderful gift to them. Write a letter from the heart and I'll deliver it. What's that you say? You say I mustn't eat your letter? Now why would you think I'd do such a thing? I'll deliver every letter safe and sound, don't you worry!
Favourite things : Hiking
Billy has moved to Sylvania to take up the job of postman. He is very conscientious and makes sure everyone's mail is always delivered on time.
Rosalina Pookie

Rosalina Pookie

Pookie Panda Girl
Let's have a sports day!

Exercising feels so good! And the more you practice, the faster you get. If I'm mayor, I'll hold a village sports day and show you how much fun it can be!
My sports day will have running races and tug of war, as well as sports like soccer, softball and volleyball.
Favourite things : Entertaining others
Rosalina the Pookie Panda girl is a cheerful joker who loves to entertain, but there's more to her than that—she's very hard-working and cares a lot about her little sisters and brothers. When she plays soccer with them, she kicks the ball gently and slowly.
Lily and Rose Marlowe

Lily and Rose Marlowe

Tuxedo Cat Girl twins
Parties every day!

Our names are Lily and Rose. We're twins and we love splendid parties. If we become mayors, we'll have parties every day so all the villagers can enjoy themselves. If Lyra and Skye the Persian Cat twins have discovered their star, we'll hold our parties under that star—then it will be double the excitement!
Favourite things : Shopping
Lily:Lily is a lot like her father. She is very athletic and especially loves to play tennis. She does very well in sports and has won several awards at school competitions. Her personality is different from her twin sister Rose, but their taste in fashion is similar and they often swap outfits.
Favourite things : Swapping Outfits
Rose:Rose is a lot like her mother. She loves to shop for pretty dresses and loves to go to school dances! She is also very joyful and likes hanging out with her sister.
Although her personality is different from her twin sister Lily, they are very close sisters and love going shopping together.
Justin Caramel

Justin Caramel

Caramel dog Baby Boy
An acorn park—it would be nice!

I love to collect lots of acorns! They're roly poly and they look like they have a hat on. So I want to open an acorn park with nothing but acorns. We can go and play with the acorns every day.
Favourite things : acorns
Often gets dragged around by his restless big sister. He has an acorn collection, and gets so absorbed in searching for acorns that he doesn't notice anything else around him.
Lona Dale

Lona Dale

Sheep Girl
You can float through the air!

I just love looking down from up high! If I'm mayor, you can float above the Sylvanian Village with me in a hot air balloon. You'll see the village in a whole new way and see places that you usually don't notice.
Favourite things : Crepe
Drawing picture
Lona has been given the very important job of collecting and sorting all the different types of fruit. She much prefers this part-time job to going to school because she can chew to her heart’s content, without any teacher telling her that it is not allowed!
Vincent Husky

Vincent Husky

Husky Father
I'll make the roads wide and smooth

I'm sure you've all noticed that the roads in the Sylvanian Village are a bit narrow and bumpy. If I become mayor, I'll work on the roads and make them wide and smooth so that there's plenty of room for the school bus to get through and parents can push their prams easily.
Favourite things : Car
Vincent is a car designer. His car is quite popular among the village since he designs very stylish but useful car as it fits who uses the car. He likes DIY as well, a father of squirrel who is a best inventor is his good companion doing DIY carpentering. Now Vincent is trying to make a bicycle for his family too.
Egbert Highbranch

Egbert Highbranch

Giraffe Father
I'll open a toy shop

I'll make a toy shop that everyone in the Sylvanian Village can enjoy. I love vintage toys, so I'll have lots of the kinds of toys the grown-ups used to play with when they were little. My toys, new and old, will make everyone in the village smile.
Favourite things : collecting vintage goods
Egbert has calm and relaxed personality. He always forgets about his hight and hits his head at the door frame. He takes good care of his things. He has huge collection of vintage tools and toys.