Triple Bunk Beds Triple Bunk Beds

Nové Nábytek a Příslušenství


*Furniture set featuring three baby-sized bunk beds with ladders and a slide.
*The beds can be placed on top of each other, next to each other and in several other layouts.
*Includes matching pillows and duvets in cute pastel colours.
*The slide and ladders can be attached to the ends or sides of the beds.
*Combine with other figures, houses, and furniture (sold separately) for even more fun and imaginative playtime!

Obsah v balení

Bunk Bed (Pink), Bunk Bed (Yellow), Bunk Bed (Blue), Slide, Ladders x2, Pillow (Pink), Pillow (Yellow), Pillow (Blue), Duvet (Pink), Duvet (Yellow), Duvet (Blue)

Kód : 5741

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